

If you are a working journalist- employed, or a freelancer you can apply for a membership at Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS). 

Note: SJS is a member of the Congress of African Journalists (CAJ) and the global Alliance of Civil Society organisations (CIVICUS).

Find below more information about our membership categories and criteria:

Types of Membership:
Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) has three forms of membership:
(1) Full membership (Xubin Buuxda)
(2)Associate membership (Xubin Aan Buuxin)
(3) Student Membership (Xubin Ardaynimo)


1. Full membership:
A) He/She Should is a working journalist in any media industry (print, online or broadcast).
B) If employed or a freelancer, he/she should bring proof of their work as a journalist.
C) He/she should submit the membership form duly filled.
D) He/She should pay the full membership fee.
E) Full membership fee is USD30 per year which is paid once in each 12 months.

Full members who their membership has been approved will have the right to vote.  Full members will carry Identification Card showing their status as a full member.

2. Associate Membership:
A) Journalists working in universities, NGOs and International Organizations in a media related work.
B) Foreign journalists working or intending to work in Somalia.
C) Media sales and promotion people, public relations officers who work in news related media and other communication related professions.
D)  He/she should submit the membership form duly filled.
E) He/She should pay the membership fee.
F) An Associate Membership fee is USD20 per year which is paid once in each 12 months.

An associate member does not have voting rights and cannot run for an office position.

3. Student Membership:
A) Full-time and part-time students at any accredited college of Journalism and Mass Communication Schools.
B) Internship students working as trainees or attachment in any media outlet inside Somalia.
D) Student membership applicant should submit the membership form duly filled.
E) He/She should pay the membership fee.
E) Student Membership fee is USD10 per year which is paid once in each 12 months.

A Student Membership does not have voting rights and cannot run for an office position. Student Membership holder can apply for a non-paid volunteer or an attachment position at Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS).

1. Download the Membership Application here: WORD
2. After filling the form, please send it to email: or bring it physically to SJS Office. 
3. Please note that
ONLY duly filled applications together with payment slip of the membership fee will be accepted for submission.
. Kindly attach a PHOTO of JPG or a PNG only.
. After the submission of the membership form and payment of the membership fee, Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) will have the right to check all the information provided and reject your application if it contains false information.

Contact Address: Address: Osman Ahmed Roble Building, Maka al-Mukarama Ave, Hawl-Wadaag, Mogadishu, BN, Somalia

Office line: +252 1 857 551


Haddii aad tahay wariye shaqeeye – shaqaale ahow ama mid madax bannaan, waxaad soo dalban kartaa xubinnimo Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed (SJS). Hoos waxaa ku qoran faahfaahin dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan qaabka iyo shuruudaha xubinnimada:

Noocyada Xubinnimada:
Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed (SJS) waxa uu leeyahay saddex nooc oo xubinnimo:
(1) Xubin Buuxda
(2) Xubin Aan Buuxin)
(3) Xubin Ardaynimo)

1. Xubin Buuxda:
B) Waa inuu yahay/inay tahay wariye ka shaqeeya warbaahinta noocyadeeda kala duwan (wargeys, online ama idaacadaha iyo TV).
T) Haddii uu yahay/ ay tahay shaqaale iyo haddii uu yahay/ay tahay wariye madax bannaan-ba, waa inuu keenaa/keentaa caddeynta shaqadiisa/shaqadeeda warbaahin.
J) Waa inuu soo gudbiyaa/soo gudbisaa foormka codsiga xubinimmada oo dhameystiran.
X) Waa inuu bixiyaa/ay bixisaa lacagtaa khidmadda xubinnimada buuxda.
KH) Lacagta khidmadda buuxda waa 30 doollar sannadkiiba mar la bixiyo.

Xubnaha buuxa ee la ansixiyay xubinnimadooda waxay xaq u leeyihiin inay codeeyaan. Xubnaha buuxa waxay heli doonaan Kaarka Aqoonsiga Xubinnimada Buuxa.

2. Xubin Aan Buuxin:
B) Suxufiyiinta ka shaqeeya jaamacadaha, hay’adaha maxalliga iyo kuwa caalamiga ah ee qabta shaqo la xiriirta warbaahinta.
T) Wariyaasha ajnabiga ee ka shaqeeya ama daneynaya inay ka shaqeeyaan Soomaaliya.
J) Xirfadlayaasha xayeysiinta ganacsiga, xiriirka dadweynaha ee ku lug leh warbaahin wareed iyo xirfadlayaasha kale eek as haqeeya war isgaarsiinta.
X) Waa inuu soo gudbiyaa/soo gudbisaa foormka codsiga xubinimmada oo dhameystiran.
KH) Waa inuu bixiyaa/ay bixisaa lacagtaa khidmadda xubinnimada.
D) Lacagta khidmadda buuxda waa $20 doolar sannadkiiba mar la bixiyo.

Xubin aan buuxin malahan xaqa codeynta, umana tartami karo xil ururka ah.

3. Xubinnimo Arday:
B) Arday si qeyb ahaan ah ama si buuxda uga diiwaangashan Kulliyadda Saxaafadda ama Jaamacadaha Qalabka Warbaahinta lagu barto.
T) Ardayda sida tababar ahaanta uga shaqeeya ama ku tixan warbaahinta ku taalla gudaha Soomaaliya.
J) Ardayga codsanaya xubinnimo arday waa inuu soo gudbiyaa/soo gudbisaa foormka codsiga xubinimmada oo dhameystiran.
X) Waa inuu bixiyaa/ay bixisaa lacagtaa khidmadda xubinnimada.
KH) Lacagta khidmadda xubin arday waa $10 doolar sannadkiiba mar la bixiyo.

Xubin Arday ma heleyso xaqa codeynta, umana tartami karto xil ururka ah. Xubin Arday waxay codsan kartaa xil mutadawacnimo ah ama shaqo tababar oo aan mushahar lahayn oo ay ka qabato Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed (SJS).

1. Kala deg foomka Codsiga Xubinnimada halkan WORD
2. Kaddib marka aad soo buuxiso foomka, fadlan ku soo dir email: ama keen Xafiiska SJS.  
3. Fadlan ogsoonow in
KALIYA la oggol yahay in la soo gudbiyo foomka xubinnimada oo dhameystiran oo ay la socoto warqadda bixinta lacagta xubinnimada.
4. Fadlan sawirka lifaaqa foomka ka dhig JPG AMA PNG.
5. Kaddib marka aad soo gudbiso foomka codsiga xubinnimada, oo aad bixiso lacagta xubinnimada, Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed (SJS) wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu hubiyo dhammaan macluumaadka aad bixisay, wuuna diidi karaa codsigaaga haddii ay ku jiraan xog been abuur ah ama aan sax ahayn.

Nagala soo xiriir: Xafiiska:Address: Osman Ahmed Roble Building, Maka al-Mukarama Ave, Hawl-Wadaag, Mogadishu, BN, Somalia

Telefoonka Xafiiska: +252 1 857 551