About SJS

Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) is an independent journalists’ trade union that speaks for the journalists’ human rights. SJS was established in May 2019 by professional Somali journalists to defend the rights of the working journalists and promote press freedom.

Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) defends press freedom, advocates for journalists’ safety and provides legal aid to journalists whose journalism work results in court cases and in need of legal defense through professional lawyers.  SJS’s goal is to create a platform for the journalists to interact and communicate and build professional needs by means of networking and provide daily updates.

SJS monitors and documents violations against the media and the journalists across Somalia including Somaliland. We aim to address the growing needs of the media professionals by building their capacity through trainings, seminars or workshops, with the aim to strengthen the skills and the capacity of the journalists to produce a quality journalism.

SJS is a member of the Congress of African Journalists (CAJ), the global Alliance of Civil Society organisations (CIVICUS) and the Global civil society coalition to promote the implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)

For more information, please contact our secretariat:

Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS)
Address: Address: Osman Ahmed Roble Building, Maka al-Mukarama Ave, Hawl-Wadaag, Mogadishu, BN, Somalia.
Office line: +252 1 857 551
For General inquiries: email us: sjs@sjsyndicate.org
To subscribe on our mailing list, email us: alerts@sjsyndicate.org
Twitter: @sjs_Somalia
Facebook:  @sjsyndicate
Website: www.sjsyndicate.org

Ku Saabsan Ururka SJS

Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed (SJS) waa urur shaqaale, madax bannaan oo metela wariyaasha shaqaalaha ah. SJS waxaa bishii May 2019 aas aasay wariyaal xirfadleyaal ah si loo difaaco xuquuqda wariyaasha shaqaalaha ah, loona horumariyo xorriyadda saxaafadda.

SJS waxay wariyaasha ka caawineysaa inay helaan qareenno ku difaaca sharciga marka wariyaha maxkamad loo soo taago arrimo la xiriira shaqada saxaafadda. Ujeeddada SJS waa inay abuurto hannaan wariyaasha isku dhexgali karaan, kuna wada xiriiri karaan iyadoo la siinayo hab isku xira iyo macluumaad joogto ah.

Ururka SJS wuxuu doonayaa inuu wax ka qabto baahida sii kordheysa ee xirfadleyaasha saxaafadda iyadoo lagu dhisayo awoodooda xirfadeed tababarro iyo seminaarro si sare loogu qaado xirfadda wariyaha, loona soo saaro saxaafad leh tayo sare.

Nala soo xiriir:
Xafiiska Ururka SJS wuxuu ku yaalla Daarta Cismaan Axmed Rooble, Maka al-Mukarama Ave, Hawl-Wadaag, Mogadishu, BN, Somalia, KM4, Magaalada Muqdisho.
Tel: 252 1 857551 / Mobile: +252 612 448 044.

Wixii su’aalo guud ah, ku soo dir emailka: sjs@sjsyndicate.org
Si aad u hesho warbixinnadeeda joogtada ah, ku codso email: alerts@sjsyndicate.org
Twitter: @sjs_Somalia
Facebook:  @sjsyndicate
Website: www.sjsyndicate.org