



SJS calls for end to suppression and detention of journalists and demands release of impri...

MOGADISHU, Somalia 19 June 2023 – The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) calls for an end to the continuous suppression of journalists by federal and regional authorities, including Somaliland, and urges for the immediate release of all imprisoned journalists.

Journalists face intimidation and threats of prosecution for reporting allegations of corr...

MOGADISHU, Somalia 25 May 2023 – The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) strongly condemns a recent surge in attacks including threats, intimidation, and even misuse of the prosecutor's office against journalists who have been courageously reporting on allegations of corruption, injustices, and government officials' wrongdoing in Mogadishu.

Somaliland detains critical female journalist, SJS calls for her unconditional freedom

MOGADISHU, Somalia 18 May 2023 – The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) condemns the arbitrary detention of female journalist, Busharo Ali Mohamed, who is held at Hargeisa police station.

WPFD: Somali journalists subjected to threats, beating, arbitrary detention as authorities...

MOGADISHU, Somalia 3 May 2023 - The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) is yet alarmed by the continued attacks including threats, beating, obstruction from reporting public interest stories, which further puts the journalists and media workers at risk to report certain issues.

WPFD2023: Facebook’s mass reporting, community standards constantly used to censor a...

MOGADISHU, Somalia 2 May 2023 - On World Press Freedom Day, the Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) is concerned about the increasing use of Facebook community standards and mass reporting to suppress and censor Somali journalists whose reporting is deemed critical.

Attacks and threats against journalists and media stations in Somalia continue with impuni...

MOGADISHU, Somalia 17 April, 2023 - Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) is alarmed by the continued and endless attacks and other threats against journalists and media stations in Somalia as the perpetrators of these attacks continue their crimes with total impunity.

SJS: After threats and persecution of SJS SG Abdalle Mumin, it is vital to reinforce accou...

MOGADISHU, Somalia 11 April, 2023 – Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) welcomes that the secretary general Abdalle Ahmed Mumin re-gained his freedom after 166 days of routine detentions, harassment, intimidation, persecution and other threats on his life due to his work as the leader of the journalists union and his role as a fearless human rights defender.

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