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Somaliland detains critical female journalist, SJS calls for her unconditional freedom

MOGADISHU, Somalia 18 May 2023 – The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) condemns the arbitrary detention of female journalist, Busharo Ali Mohamed, who is held at Hargeisa police station since Monday 15 May 2023 as we call for her immediate and unconditional freedom.

On Monday 15 May, 2023, Somaliland police arrested Busharo Ali Mohamed (popularly known as Busharo Baanday) at the Wajaale town, while crossing from Ethiopian side of the border to Somaliland. Security forces at the border reportedly tortured the journalist upon arrest and transferred her to a police custody in Hargeisa.

On Wednesday 17 May, 2023 Hargeisa based court remanded the female journalist to seven more days in the police custody, according to colleagues who visited her at the police station.

According to media reports and colleagues, Busharo, who also holds a British passport, has been critically covering Somaliland’s declining democracy, calling current Somaliland leader “an autocratic”.

SJS condemns in the strongest terms possible and calls for the Somaliland authorities to immediately and unconditionally free Busharo Ali Mohamed. Somaliland authorities should stop arbitrary detention and legal harassment aimed to censor journalists and instill fear among media practitioners.

Separately, SJS strongly condemns the new threats and intimidation by the office of the Somali Attorney General against SYL TV journalist Hussein Abdulle Mohamed who was summoned ‘for questioning’ by the Attorney General’s office following his report on alleged corruption and abuse of power by the by the Attorney General Sulayman Mohamed Mohamud. According to a letter signed by Deputy Attorney General, Mohamed Osman Mohamud on 16 May 2023 which SJS has reviewed, the journalist is expected to appear before the Prosecutor’s Office on Saturday 20 May.

SYL TV journalist Hussein Abdulle Mohamed (pictured) was summoned 'for questioning' by the Attorney General's office on Tuesday 16 May 2023. | PHOTO Credit/ SJS.
SYL TV journalist Hussein Abdulle Mohamed (pictured) was summoned ‘for questioning’ by the Attorney General’s office on Tuesday 16 May 2023. | PHOTO Credit/ SJS.

“We strongly condemn the arbitrary detention and the beating of female journalist Busharo Ali Mohamed by Somaliland police. We call for her unconditional freedom without delay. No journalist should be detained for reporting critically on the political leaders in Somaliland. President Muse Bihi should instruct his police officers to stop targeting journalists critical to his administration,” SJS Secretary-General, Abdalle Ahmed Mumin said.

“The media should be able to investigate and expose those who abuse the power of the office and those who are characterized by corruption even if they are the most powerful officials. Journalists like Hussein Abdulle Mohamed should not be intimidated by the power of the law,” said Mr. Mumin “SJS will closely monitor the case of Hussein Abdulle Mohamed as we will stand by our colleague.”

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