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Independent journalist shot dead in Galkayo

MOGADISHU, Somalia, 01 March 2021 – Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) condemns the heinous murder of independent journalist Jamal Farah Adan by unidentified gunmen in Galkayo, central Somalia region of Mudug on Monday 01 March 2021.

Mr. Adan’s death records as the first journalist killed in Somalia this year.

According to local journalists and eyewitnesses, around 7.00pm local time on Monday two men armed with pistols approached and shot dead Mr. Adan outside a shop he owned in Sinay neighbourhood in Galkayo’s northern district controlled by Puntland authorities.  At least one other male has been reportedly injured in the attack. The perpetrators fled before police reached the scene.

The motive of the attack is not yet clear and no group claimed responsibility for his murder. However, according to Mr. Adan’s friends, he was too critical to al-Shabaab and the Federal Government of Somalia. His recent Facebook posts covered various subjects including the ongoing electoral stalemate in the country as well as the dispute between Federal Member States and the Somali Federal Government.

At least two colleagues, who spoke to SJS with anonymity said Mr. Adan has received death threat few months ago and has at least once reported to the police about a suspected person near his home. It is not clear what actions were taken.

“Jamal Farah Adan has been shot dead while sitting outside his shop. The body has been taken to the hospital,” one colleague told SJS on the phone from Galkayo.

In his 50s, Mr. Adan worked for Radio Galkayo, the city’s oldest station before he became the Somali President’s special reporter in 2005/2006. He joined Radio Daljir where he became the station manager until 2018. Mr. Adan has been recently working as independent journalist based in Galkayo.

SJS strongly condemns the killing of Mr. Adan and calls for Puntland authorities to launch an immediate and thorough investigation and arrest the culprits. We also mourn with the family and colleagues of Mr. Adan.

“We strongly condemn the murder of Jamal Farah Adan in Galkayo this evening by unidentified assailants. Mr. Adan was a very critical journalist who has bravely reported about various subjects of public interest,” Abdalle Ahmed Mumin, the secretary general of Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) said. “While we mourn with his family, we also call for Puntland authorities to immediately investigate this barbaric attack and bring the killers to book. This must not be another unresolved murder of a journalist in Somalia.”

Somalia still tops the Global Impunity Index for countries where the perpetrators against journalists escape prosecution.

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